you have been admitted to studies in Humanities at the faculty of arts and science.句中 to studies對嗎?

2021-03-24 9:47 pm

回答 (5)

2021-03-24 10:36 pm

You have been admitted to THE studies in humanities FOR the faculty of A&S.


2021-03-25 9:37 am
studies在這句中可以看作是指"課堂"/"學術"的名詞,而不是動詞,不是一般普通文法句式,另外注意adimit(ted) to是一組詞(收取入學),因此你讀英文句的技巧上仍要多理解不同的用詞和寫法。

You have been admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science[可停在這裏],附插加中間的表示這學系中的Humanities主修科的studies(可以上你是課堂了)。留意句中的各種preposition是你要學習的(要問便應該問為何不同):
"in" Humanities 
"at" the Faculty of Arts and Science
[學懂了in, at, on, of, ...才不會寫錯配對]

- 大學University
- 學院College 
- 學系Faculty(例如這句中的Arts and Science其實應該是要大寫頭的)
- 學科/專科Major(例如這句中的Humanities人文科學) 
- 課堂Course/Class
課堂中亦分為不同類形的教學類:教授講課lecture,導師輔課tutorial,實驗課Laboratory,研討課Discussion/Group Study,專題/設計/實務等Project課....
2021-03-25 5:12 pm
一般專上學府收生只會這樣說:  (留意介詞)
1. ... admitted to the [faculty name] at [college name]
2. ... admitted to the [program name] in the [faculty name] at [college name]
Please note that all those names must be in capital letters.

Faculty of Arts and Science (X) 
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (O) 

You have been admitted to the Bachelor of Arts program majoring in Humanities in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at xxx University.
2021-03-25 1:13 pm
"studies" is used as a noun here; not a verb.
eg:-the act of studying
eg:-a subject studied called Humanities.
eg:-to give time to your studies;
eg:-Your studies show...
eg:-to make a study of 
"study" used as a verb:-
eg:-You give time to learning something is to study.
eg:-You are studying for the Humanities.
eg:-Study only your own interests..
2021-03-27 10:14 am
studies 這裏是名詞,如是科目名稱應是humanity studies,用作動詞一定要有主詞,you I we they不用加s

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