In London and England is there a serious middle class problem?

2021-03-24 9:26 pm
Why are the cultural norms and attitudes so dominant by the English middle class in all aspects of life in England? Historically, they have shilled. In the 1980s during the mining strike the far lefties kept turning the narrative to socialism when many of the working class people just wanted to keep the jobs there that were easy and accessible to working people, which aided the government heavy hand response and narrative. Also fake protests like extinction rebellion appear to be dominated by the fake middle class and not the real working class people.

In London when the East Enders moved to Essex with East London being more Asian, the middle class claimed that many working class leaving were racist yet they are the first to do gentrification and in places like Brixton which appears is racist to black people. Will the English Middle class values and norms be challenged? The working class and upper class values seem great as both sides are honest with their status. The problem is exasperated when shills like the socialists portray the middle class status the problem when real problem is the cultural behaviour and privagte school fake personalities. When will their cultural behaviour be stopped? Especially when news channel people and politicians have this as their de facto way of behaviour. When will job interviews be 'negotiations' for working class instead of 'middle class fake interviews'? When will school norms change to have benefits for working class views?

回答 (6)

2021-03-25 12:26 am
London is an incredibly complex city, and cannot easily be explained by something as banal and largely outmoded as a cliched understanding of class structure.
2021-03-24 9:37 pm
I detect a degree of neurosis in your lengthy rant.
2021-03-30 4:56 pm
No, the working class always know their place

that is why we used the word Guvnor as in Morning Guv as a sign of respect
2021-03-24 9:29 pm
Why do you think only protests by working class people are legit? Extinction rebellion is concerned with the future of the planet but for some reason you seem to assume only working class people live on it
2021-03-25 5:56 am
The middle class values are dominant I give you that. Is it really bad though fake may it be?
2021-03-27 2:39 pm
There’s a problem with class full stop.  If there’s one thing that the U.K. could get rid of to improve itself it’d be that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:40
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