How to be safe UK?

2021-03-24 8:10 pm
How can I be safe when I go out in England

is it rare to get attacked 

回答 (6)

2021-03-25 9:59 am
Avoid Muslim areas after dark Dont Drink alcohol al fresco in Muslim areas Like Mile end Road
2021-03-24 8:12 pm
You have been posting this for years, Billy.

Pathetic boring troll.
2021-03-30 5:24 pm
Stay away from Muslim areas after dark
2021-03-26 9:30 am
stay in safe areas .........
2021-03-24 8:40 pm
Just carry a Lee Enfield slung over your shoulder 
2021-03-25 12:02 am
Thousands have been attacked recently.  Just make sure you have clean hands, wear a mask and keep 2 metres away from everyone.  You will have less chance of being attacked by covid.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:33
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