Why are there so many criminals in America?

2021-03-24 10:52 am
What ever happened to the notion that hard work will give you prosperity? It seems that all people want to do today is take, take , take. And then blame, blame, blame. 

回答 (5)

2021-03-24 10:54 am
Because there are so many laws
2021-03-24 11:15 am
Please don't dump on the whole 340 million in this country because a few are criminals.
2021-03-24 11:06 am
We worship criminals like George Floyd and Breanna Taylor. 
2021-03-24 11:05 am
Work makes you free.

2021-03-24 10:55 am
It's not that simple. Jobs a few decades ago were quite a lot easier to get, there were more of them, less competition with robotics, with migrants generally, both legal and illegal, and not to mention elites sending jobs abroad to those people in the first place just to save some money. It's very competitive and now since employers can simply post a job online, and get thousands of applicants, they can afford to waste their time being picky. China and India are extreme examples of huge populations willing to work for much less. Capitalism is failing because the elites are selfish, and the people stuck at the bottom have started to notice. This is one of the reasons the idea of socialism is becoming more popular, but that will see the end of society as we know it.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:16:39
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