What is this fruit called?

2021-03-24 7:02 am
How do you eat it? With or without the skin? How do you know it is ripe for eating? How does it taste? What nutritional value does it have?  What other fruit is related to if at all? 

回答 (3)

2021-03-24 7:08 am
It's called a "Pepino Melon"

Do a Google and YouTube search for recipes and such. 
2021-03-24 7:45 pm
Pepino melons are virtually impossible to find outside ethnic grocery stores. They have a tough skin which is not edible. Eat it like you would a cantelope. 
2021-03-24 7:26 pm
It must be a melon.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:45:00
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