Will Miami Beach will have an extended curfew until May?

2021-03-24 5:18 am
I read an article about dozens of overcrowded people in Miami Beach during Spring Break. They need to evacuate the street in order to have another stay-at-home lockdown. 

回答 (4)

2021-03-25 8:04 am
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Right now, the curfew has been extended to April 12. It's possible that it could be extended again, but Spring Break will be over by then.
2021-03-24 8:28 am
Miami will have a curfew until all the stupid idiots figure out how to behave.  
2021-03-24 11:42 am
Florida never did have a stay-at-home lockdown. They did, for a short period, close certain beaches, and stop short term rentals. But that was over last July, and people have been flooding the state and the beaches ever since. Their governor is a Republican, who is more interested in money than people's lives. HOWEVER, Florida has always had a spring break problem. Daytona Beach use to be the preferred spot, but the people there got fed up and ran them off. I don't know why students in mobs think that they can do anything they want- and I'm not convinced that all of those in Miami right now are students. 
2021-03-26 12:20 pm
They need to keep the curfew. Today's youth don't understand how deadly COVID 19 is. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:34
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