Have You Ever Held a Gun on someone? Or threatened somebody at Gunpoint? And why did you point the gun at them? ?

2021-03-24 1:31 am

回答 (6)

2021-03-24 1:32 am
No. Never had to.  Where i live, everyone has guns, we have very little crime.
2021-03-24 2:18 am
No, that would be illegal in my country unless the other person was armed and my life was in danger.
2021-03-24 1:51 am
25 years and eight combat tours, pulling the trigger is like eating pancakes.
2021-03-24 1:33 am
No, why the fcuk would I? that's not something most people do.
2021-03-24 1:44 am
I pointed a shotgun at a guy at my front door. He knocked on the door and announced himself as my cousin. He was Mexican and I have no Mexican cousins. His little friend was hiding behind the corner. He left once he realized the robbery wasn’t going to work.
2021-03-24 1:37 am
No and no.

What are you doing, projecting? 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:10:36
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