Now that we have the vaccine out, can we end this f***ing pandemic already?

2021-03-23 8:52 pm

回答 (15)

2021-03-25 4:56 am
We only end it when we hit herd immunity do you not read the news there is no excuse for being stupid ?
The anti-maskers anti-vacciners are our enemy they just might derail the whole 
recovery  and why because of politics that's why and that's why they are the enemy !
2021-03-26 1:50 pm
Sure, just get the pro-disease morons (the anti vaxxers and anti maskers) to fall in line and play nice until we get a reign on this
2021-03-29 7:49 am
It won't end.

The same people that refuse to wear masks refuse to get the vaccine...

People are also too eager to congregate in huge groups before even getting the vaccine... that's the country we live in...

I love how (*Detect sarcasm*) maniacs out there made a health crisis a political matter.

I mean you can make race a political matter... foreign policy, economics and entertainment a political matter... but to just straight up refuse to cooperate so we can return to normal again citing (and very much overreaching in trying to do so) that it is a matter of "rights" to just not do practical stuff to look out for each other and the general health of people?

That's just weird. 

I mean it's almost equivalent to them going 'Nope... I don't have to wash my hands... it's a Liberal conspiracy and they're trying to embed chips in the palms of my hands with that antibacterial soap...'

Such numbskulls. 

They don't have an argument, either... they just get really obnoxious and violent and... click that thumbs-down button.


They also complain about Cancel Culture.

What they're doing is a cancellation, too... of the wellbeing of everyone. 
2021-03-25 1:41 am
It doesn't work like that, nice try.
2021-03-24 10:47 am
Doing so would be f***ing premature,  but you know all about that.
2021-03-25 10:31 am
Only if we vote out the Democrats.  We're into the second year of the "14 to 28 day lockdown to flatten the curve."  Our fascist government has trampled the Bill of Rights and killed many businesses.  Mask mandates have done nothing to slow it or stop it.  Vaccines have been rushed.  And all of it over something with a >99% survival rate in moderately healthy people.  It's all about control.
2021-03-24 3:54 am
We can end the pandemic, but can we end the tyranny that we have gotten used to?
2021-03-28 10:11 am
Sure, I’m 35 years old, work from home and have no underlying health issues. I’ll be happy to take the vaccine. But oh wait, it’s not available to me yet!! So yeah, that’s why this stupid pandemic won’t end. All of us that want the vaccine can’t get it yet...
2021-03-27 6:45 am
When the whole world has been vaccinated then the virus will have nobody to infect and the pandemic will end, but that point cannot be reached for many years because of basic logistics and the problem of civi wars and refugees.  Covid will be with us for many years to come, but hopefully becoming less and less of a problem, like flu.
2021-03-27 3:15 am
NO! the Vaccine is not 100% effective and some people like myself can not take it any way.  Besides this covic is changing it's spots so the shots may not be as effective as we onced believed.  Live with it, the rest of us have too!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:33:58
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