Do you want to believe in UFO'S- HAPPENING LIVE NOW!?

2021-03-23 9:01 am
Right now on Youtube:  live there are actual UFO's fueling up at the
Geldingadalir fra Fagradalsfjalli
Volcanic Eruption @ Iceland happening Now!
This is the most major UFO hunters sighting ground ever.  And I already noticed that on the far right end of the screen there was this white dot.  It's like a truck's light, but another white light showed up.  It entered the gaseous region and there was an explosion from the volcano.  It joined the white dot then left traveling the same path that it came on.  When it entered the ring of gas there was another explosion.  Then it started splitting and spinning.  You got to watch and can you post anything you see happen.  This is awesome.

Now it is on the far left hovering and spinning lights


It is back on the right side.  Where are you guys to see this?  You know live is scrubbed as soon as it is aired sometimes.  Get this data.

回答 (11)

2021-03-28 4:40 pm
I'm sorry, I have to tell you that it is NOT permissible to bear that name ((Christian in Jesus)), because a true Christian, born again, in addition to church, also attends Bible school, and, can hear the experience of some True Christians that, the alleged UFOs DO NOT EXIST!
Therefore, any person in the world who has seen with their own eyes these Galactic beings, in truth they are Demon Spirits, Mutants.They can take, and assume any form, for they have limited powers, due to the fact that they were former angels of God, fallen for their rebellion.
Therefore, they use to deceive mankind with these Visions. Put this saying of mine, in the Bible school book!
2021-03-25 3:48 pm
There's nothing unbelievable about unidentified flying objects, champ. What's unbelievable is that any of them contain intergalactic space aliens. 
2021-03-23 11:10 am
No matter how many photos you post of unidentified flying objects, I cannot bring myself to believe that they are anything other than unidentified objects.  Sorry.
2021-04-12 8:18 pm
My many sock accounts and I don't wanna believe.😡🧬
2021-03-25 6:47 am
   The very fact that we do not know EVERYTHING yet about nature implies that we will encounter Unidentified flying objects---So Proof of actual UFOs is inherent..  There is no proof  that UFOs are alien Spaceships though.
2021-03-28 6:16 am
What did you expect to be in them, Gary?
2021-03-26 8:30 pm
It's just the light of Venus reflecting off a weather balloon in a thermal pocket filled with swamp gas.
2021-03-23 9:33 am
i already believe in it
2021-03-23 8:14 pm
Unidentified means exactly that - it's not possible to be sure what a thing is.
UFO does not mean aliens or spacecraft, other than to conspiracy looneys.

There was an unidentifiable item stuck to the camera lens cover yesterday, something fluttering in the wind.That must have got there by "flying" so was also a UFO until it got stuck. 

It looked like some kind of airbourne plant seed, or a wing from a dead insect. Still unidentified, but no longer flying.
2021-03-27 3:15 pm
Ah yes, the wonderful world of YouTube.  Providing scientific proof of the unprovable and law degrees at the same time, all at no charge to the user.  How very charitable of them!
2021-03-24 6:41 am
I know of those videos. It's nice but we really have bigger problems on earth than that. (Not playing that down)

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:38:02
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