Does anyone else think it's easier to just blame democrats and liberals for everything?

2021-03-23 2:57 am
It helps me deal with my own shortcomings better knowing they are the cause for all bad things in this world.

回答 (5)

2021-03-23 2:59 am
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No, but the democrats and liberals are the cause of about 75% of the world's ills. Rampant sexual disease? Broken families left and right? Rampant drug use and overdoses? Mass mental and physical disorders? Population growth issues in various countries? Gee, I wonder who was responsible for 99% of those problems... Those problems claim countless lives, cause countless suffering, and we spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year to try and counter those issues. The U.S. alone didn't use to have like 20% of the population with a major STD and probably 50% with a minor STD at any given time, for example. That is a new phenomenon and liberalism caused it, period. The 20th century is marked by the rearing of this degenerate ugly coalition of beliefs and it has been one of the bloodiest centuries of all time where children are mere afterthoughts and pleasure-seeking is king, no matter the outcome. 
2021-03-23 2:58 am
Well, the fact that it is true most of the time does make it easier.
2021-03-23 3:21 am
They are not to blame for anything. Trump is to blame.
2021-03-23 2:59 am
I blame the capitalists for almost everything.
2021-03-23 3:05 am
It's just that kind of thinking that makes liberals the mush-minded sheep they are.  That kind of knee-jerk blame is not indicative of an active intellect, and it is illustrated in so many of the questions liberals like you ask.

Blame should only be levied on the people who are responsible for the problem, and only because there is proof they are the cause.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:50:56
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