Why is it that when there is a news story that somebody makes hateful, racist, etc. social media post, the post isn't part of the story?

2021-03-22 11:54 pm
So that somebody reading the story can look at the Facebook post, Tweet, or whatever, so that we can form our own opinion as to the hatefulness of the post.

Instead, the vast majority of these sorts of stories read something like, "Twitter is ablaze after Jeb Muckenfuss' racist Tweets tweets this morning.  I'm not going include them in the story, but take my word for it, it was racist."

How about "journalists" allowing their readers to judge for themselves?

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2021-03-24 6:41 am
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That's not allowed because there is an agenda that must preserved at all costs.

Once publicly accused, a person is silenced and cannot defend themselves.

Read "A  Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens and see how dangerous of a path we are on. Once accused, the trial is by public opinion and the public truly enjoys watching their neighbors be destroyed because it is such fun and so self-righteous.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:38:04
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