Can’t concentrate. Can you develop ADHD later in life?

2021-03-22 2:26 am
So over the last few months; I’ve been having difficulty concentrating on things. When I was reading a book; it took me far longer to read as I kept going back and re-reading it as I felt I was skimming through it and not concentrating on the content. I need to re-watch YouTube videos because I feel like I didn’t absorb the content. I’m reading a new book and I feel like I’m just reading it too fast and not absorbing the message. I have two projects. One recreational and one for school and I can’t start them. I keep getting distracted and the school project requires me to read a bunch of stuff that bores me so I haven’t started it yet. It’s due in a week. I am in grad school by the way. I have severe OCD and I am heavily on meds for it. I am also almost 28 years of age. Is it possible I am developing ADHD. I would take a test to determine this but I know that when I take it; my brain will subconsciously concentrate so I can protect myself from any scrutiny. 

回答 (2)

2021-03-22 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
The thing there are other possibilities. Depression makes concentration difficult. I have advice from experts in my answers. 
If you go to the Amazon ad for You Are Not Your Brain by psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz, you'll see that people with OCD think very highly of this book. You can also hear the testimonials of readers on YouTube. As this article shows, Dr Schwartz developed a therapy for OCD that has been validated with brain scan studies.
2021-03-22 6:38 am
for sure, bro. happens any time

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