This question is for believers...?

2021-03-22 1:21 am
In the last 30 years what has been the greatest damage done to the faith?  And how has the faith changed?

回答 (8)

2021-03-22 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The insidious nature of media

Telling us that we are wrong if we believe the bible, that we are haters if we insist marriage is between a man and a woman. That we don't respect women if we insist on calling abortion murder. That we don't respect deviant rights if we say the alphabet soup of sexual weirdness is wrong. You can even say Women's lib was abducted by this media it instill a rebellious dissatisfaction with being a woman, and currently responsible for the emasculation of men,

If you stand against the "common knowledge" being foisted on us every day from Music, Movies, TV, The Internet and News Sources., then you are a bigoted racist homophobic misogynist

It promotes the lies that is eating away at our society and attacks those who would tell the truth

It is where the devil works best

It has caused many believers to compromise the truth, to save themself from the derision that holding to the truth now entails
2021-03-22 1:28 am
2021-03-22 7:17 pm
 the problem is not anything to do with atheists, God, Jesus, the bible, or even Christianity and all to do with the   intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by BAD Christians towards others‽

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!
The self-destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!
BAD Christians not only drive people further away from God but are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTI THEISTS!
Pew News reports Christianity is shrinking with a corresponding rise in atheism!
Five times as many Americans in 2014 said they never prayed compared to those asked the same question in the 1980s
2021-03-22 4:39 am
Believers of what?
What faith is "the faith"?
Why 30 years?
Learn how to ask a question!
2021-03-22 4:21 am
Education.       Faith is being recognized as a substitute for fact.      And not a very good one.
2021-03-22 2:15 am
The pervasive hedonism of our society, which teaches us to pretend that our favorite sins are no sins.

My faith has not changed in the past 30 years, but many churches have.  30 years ago, no church would have thought of promoting homosexual activity.
2021-03-22 1:34 am
The combined idolatry of modernism and materialism. Due to those influences, authentic Christianity has become a novelty, rather than the norm.
2021-03-22 1:32 am
Internet .
Adjust meme to fit present knowledge 
Allegoric knowledge they know esoterically

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:01
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