Is Biden the biggest LOSER we've ever seen at the white house?

2021-03-21 10:52 pm
What kind of LOSER stumbles THREE times walking up a flight of stairs. Trump would NEVER.

回答 (8)

2021-03-21 10:54 pm
That's all you can muster against him, so guess he is doing a great job..
2021-03-21 10:54 pm
He could be on a wheelchair and still beat the Bigly Loser from his basement. 
2021-03-21 10:54 pm
I think you are searching for any little thing to throw at Biden because deep down you know Trump is the biggest loser we've ever had as president. It's quite pathetic.
2021-03-21 10:58 pm
You're right,,, Trump stumbled DOWN a ramp with a slight incline.

And you do remember Gerald Ford, right, Chevy Chase made a career imitating his stumbling.
2021-03-21 11:01 pm
Jwe Kingdom of Joe's Cabinet members

1. Antony Blinken, Secretary of State ......  

2. David Cohen, Deputy CIA Director ....... 

3. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury ..... 

4. Merrick Garland,( holds about 2-3 citizenship) Attorney-General .... 

5. Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence .... 

6. Ron Klain, Chief of Staff ..... 

7. Eric Lander, Director, Office of Science & Technology Policy .... 

8. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security .... 

9. Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State ...... 

10. Jeff Zients, COVID-19 Coordinator ........ 

11. Rochelle Walensky, Director, Center for Disease Control .......  

12. Jared Bernstein, member, Council of Economic Advisors ...... 

13. Douglas Emhoff, second gentleman, husband of US Vice President Kamala Harris 
2021-03-22 12:46 am
That seems unlikely, considering Chump lost to such a pathetic decrepit old man.
2021-03-21 11:09 pm
Trump walked up the steps with toilet paper on his shoes.  I think that's funnier.
2021-03-21 10:58 pm
The conservatives in the US have spent too much time under-estimating and laughing at their enemy - and not realising how ruthless and determined their enemy actually is. If you don't get on your horses soon, there won't be any left to get on.

Pointing out insanity, is not enough to defeat it... you can still lose

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:37:45
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