Maintenance in apartment issues ??

2021-03-21 7:45 pm
My air has been out twice in my apartment 

The first time they said they fixed it it was never fixed and he has to come again said he fixed it and it was never fixed and second time same thing happened and he came 3 time said he fixed it never fixed I was out of air for 6 days and I’m currently pregnant with a 3 year old and 1 year old ! 
Also my refrigerator went out so they gave me a downgraded temporary one but leaves the non working one in my dining room area .... I put in an order to Atleast come pick
Up the broken one since it was sitting in my dining room for a week and they marked complete as if they picked it up and it’s still
In my
House I don’t know what to do at this time I pay rent on time and not to mention both toilets consistently run !! I just don’t know what to do at this point I’m so unhappy here

回答 (10)

2021-03-21 9:39 pm
Report ALL AND ANY repairs/maintenance requests IN WRITING and keep a copy.... the landlord is responding and keeps trying to repair, the fact that it keeps breaking down means they need to 'try again' you are a tenant and only a tenant so your multiply kids/pregnancy are your issue, not the landlords, your contract requires you to pay rent and for the landlord to respond and try to fix issues with the property, so there is no breach of contract on either side
2021-03-22 10:38 am
A working A/C is only required in Arizona and Utah.  If you don't live in one of those states, he doesn't have to fix it.  Buy a fan.  Try and pin him down to a date to pick up the fridge. 
2021-03-22 3:02 am
So they fixed the AC.  Not everything gets fixed on the first try.  That's life.
2021-03-21 9:15 pm
The A/C has been fixed and keep bugging your landlord about the old refrigerator in the living room.  Perhaps if it's moved outside they may take action.  As far as the toilets running this should be reported.  Unfortunately there is no one other than the landlord to complain to but if the toilets don't get fixed you would have to sue for a breach of the lease.
2021-03-22 11:33 pm
Air conditioning is not always required in every location. It's only mandatory that you have it in two states. The refrigerator should be moved--or at least have the door removed so your toddler doesn't decide to get inside and be unable to get out. It's a safety issue. Make them do that immediately. 

Write down all your complaints and deliver the letter to the landlord. And start looking for another place to live. 
2021-03-22 1:09 pm
Examples of High Urgency Requests: Immediately
Structural Issues.
Lack of Heat in winter.
Lack of Hot Water.
(Most) Leaks in the Property.
Clogged Toilet.
Smell of Gas.
Lights Not Functioning in Common Areas and Hallways.
Safety Issues Such as Doors or Windows that Do Not Lock Properly/Missing Locks.
2021-03-22 12:21 am
I rarely had AC growing up...only on the most extreme days.

according to your question history you are 26 and on at least your 5th pregnancy....., a year ago you broke up with a baby daddy for cheating on you while you were 7 months prego...and are now 22 weeks prego with another one..clearly not enough time to find a life partner (it takes MONTHS of knowing someone to determine that) and be in a permanent committed relationship...and a  year before that you were talking about breaking up with a baby you not know how babies are made?  and how to prevent pregnancies?...

wait for your lease to expire and move....and don't get prego again since you can't afford a better place...if you find adoptive parents, they can pay for better housing for you

HOUSE? an apartment would be cheaper, and yes all the kids can share a my building when there are 3 kids, we have families that give the kids the larger bedroom and the MOM AND DAD take the smaller could consider having the baby in your bedroom with you and your husband until it is sleeping through the night....and then switch rooms with the older kids.
2021-03-21 11:01 pm
You AC is working now, yes?  If so, the landlord has met his obligation. If not, send another written request for maintenance & follow up with a phone call to the office.

As for the fridge, send another written request for the broken one to be removed from your apartment.  Then follow up with a phone call to the office.

As for the toilets, send a written request & ask that the toilets be repaired. Most likely the tank "guts" need to be replaced.  

You are contractually obligated to pay your rent on time per the lease that you signed.  Doing so and the repair requests are two separate things. 
2021-03-21 10:49 pm
Put it ALL into a letter with dates and details. This is your documentation. Make 3 copies, the landlord gets one, you keep one and send one to your city's health department.   Ask the health department for an inspection of the building.  

The health department is concerned about livable conditions-- working electricity,  working toilets and safe living conditions.  They need to know you informed the landlord and that safety/living issues were not fixed.  
2021-03-23 12:28 am
AC is only required in AZ & not even all parts of AZ.  It is not considered an essential service even in hot areas like Las Vegas. "I was out of air for 6 days" seems to indicate that it is working again. The fact they did not do it as fast as you would like is irrelevant for a non-essential service.

The fact is they DID replace the fridge. The fact it is not the same quality is irrelevant. What matters is that you do indeed have a working fridge. It is not required to be the same quality as the old one. It is only required to work! 

The old one sitting around is a saftey hazard with small children. Submit a written request to get it removed. Since it was marked incorrectly as done they probably forgot about it. 

You are legally required to pay rent regardless of repair issues. Withholding rent over repair issues is illegal in most states without a court order. The few that do allow it have a legally required process you have to follow before it is legal. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:45:13
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