Should the United States bring back eugenics? ?

2021-03-21 6:46 pm
I read that in the early 1900's, the United States, was sterilizing the mentally ill and handicaped people. I saw a special on people with down syndrome, and was thinking that isn't down syndrome a flaw? Would it make sense to edit our genetics to make a more perfect human being?

This conditions are imperfect.

回答 (3)

2021-03-21 8:46 pm
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We're reluctant to impose sterilization on individuals at all now due to the excesses of the past.

> down syndrome
People with Down syndrome have reduced fertility already.
A guardian or caretaker can request the sterilization, but that would have to be processed on an individual basis by a court in most USA states.

> Would it make sense to edit our genetics to make a more perfect human being?
Not yet.  Our methods for editing the genome aren't good enough for human use.
2021-03-21 9:24 pm
Are you still stuck in the 1940's ?

The Nazis tried eugenics ("lebensborn") but failed to produce any superior babies. A few years later scientists figured out why it will never work, and that all humans alive are the same race. Your DNA comes in bundles called chromosomes, and you pass on only half of your 46 chromosomes to a baby you make - luck of the draw decides which ones.

There's nothing wrong with discouraging people with serious genetic defects from passing them on. Sometimes IVF can help - by selecting embryos to place inside the womb

Editing genes requires IVF which requires the woman to undergo a horrible hormone-treatment.

Down-syndrome is not caused by bad genes, but by nondisjunction. It means you have 3 chromosomes 21 instead of 2
2021-03-21 6:50 pm
Just as an example, Down syndrome isn't hereditary but is the result of a specific chromosomal mutation that becomes increasingly likely the older an ovum is, so sterilizing people with Down syndrome wouldn't reduce incidence of Down syndrome. That's why you aren't in charge-- you're an idiot. Consider sterilizing yourself, perhaps by castrating yourself with a dull knife.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:43
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