is canada the ideal place to live?

2021-03-21 7:26 am
they don't have mass immigration or multicultural issues like other places, it is overall monocultural.

lots of nice looking girls there too.

回答 (6)

2021-03-21 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have a culture in Canada where people can share their cultural origins and enjoy. People come from all over the world. When I took my oath of citizenship there were people from 60 countries.

On our street, near Toronto, we have people whose families come from West India, Eastern Europe, Costa Rica, Portugal, China,  Scotland, England, India and others. Street parties are fun.

We are very accepting.
2021-03-21 9:59 am
It is the most multicultural country in the world!  Which makes it a great place to live.  Canada practically invented multiculturalism.  If not, we were certainly the first country to make it part of our identity.
2021-03-21 8:52 am
it is if you want to live there
2021-03-21 7:43 am
Few gunz on the street!
2021-03-23 3:39 am
If your rich then yes 
In USA if your rich u have to be careful ok 
2021-03-21 7:32 am
Sure, everyone move to Canada .

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:37:55
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