If I accept that that gods may actually exist in parallel universes where almost anything is possible, can I still be an atheist?

2021-03-21 4:18 am
I do not see any evidence of gods in this realm, I do not believe they exist here. But the multiverse theory suggests that there may be universes where god like beings exist. So, is my atheism still intact because our reality is confined to this universe, or has my acceptance that gods may exist elsewhere tarnished my atheist badge? Supposing I did believe in the multiverse theory that is, which I am not sure about at present.

@God of Thunder. So, if I said that I believed gods existed in other universes I would no longer be an atheist in this one, where I do not believe gods exist? I suppose that makes sense, after all even Christians often say God is outside of space and time.


Eddie. I don't know, there are minor gods in many religions that can only have dominion over small things, they are still considered gods by their followers. You have a good point though, unless a god has control of all universes they will have no influence on some sentient beings, thus are not a god to them.


David. I suppose that is it. Perhaps I confused my thoughts of the increased possibility of gods existing in other universes with belief. MAY exist is not the same as DOES exist. Thank you.

回答 (11)

2021-03-21 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sure, you accept they MAY exist not that they DO exist.
2021-03-21 4:33 am
Parallel universes have been proven to exist mathematically by theoreticians but those theoreticians still can't prove that any god(s) exist anywhere by any method. So, yes, you can.
2021-03-21 4:28 am
[Edit: Until we can pin down an actual god-like being, it remains nothing but a concept.]

My feeling is that a god-like being in another universe is NOT God.

In other words, if God exists, he created the entire multiverse -- not just one (or a few) universes.

I would say that you remain an agnostic atheist.
2021-03-21 5:29 am
Your badge is officially tarnished. But some toothepaste will shine it back up.
2021-03-21 4:25 am
Technically, Unc, if you feel that any kind of god exists anywhere/anywhen, that would tend to make more of an agnostic than an atheist.
2021-03-21 4:22 am
Atheism is unbelief in gods.  If you don't believe in a god you're an atheist.
If you're saying that gods could potentially exist in another universe, you're still an atheist. If you absolutely believe that gods exist in another universe you aren't.
2021-03-21 4:19 am
That is an excellent question. Truth is, you would still be an atheist for this universe, which is the only one in which we live at the moment.
2021-03-21 8:27 am
The Christian God is the only God Who exists, Who has ever existed, and Who ever will exist.
2021-03-21 5:12 am
If you believe a Creator exists in one universe then They must exist in all.
2021-03-21 4:32 am
No, There is only One Almighty God and Creator.  You either believe He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, or you are an atheist.  You can't be both - you are double minded and unstable in all your ways.
2021-03-21 4:23 am
Hi UF and shedow she dress like her mother null she teen

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