Stay humble and kind。 這是祈使句,stay 是vi ,humble and kind 是形片作主補用(主詞省略),請益。?

2021-03-20 7:46 pm

回答 (2)

2021-03-21 12:17 am
說對了大半, 除了動詞"stay"在這裡是Lv (Linking verb), 
如果是Vi, 後接一定是副詞或介詞 (e.g. Stay away from my kids.)
2021-03-20 10:50 pm
Indicative mood  is showing, suggesting,eg:-
Your stay is indicative of your wish to be humble and kind.
Or--------indicative that you wish to be humble and kind."adj phr" as Subject Complement;(The subject YOU not omitted in the sentence)..
Or------Stay humble and kind is indicative.;
Or------Stay humble and kind that YOU wish to; show to; suggest to ;
Or:-----Tell me you must stay humble and kind in the office.
----------Why don't you stay humble and kind with us ?
----------You stay to see what would happen if humble and kind.
----------You are too busy to stay but must leave.
----------Stay humble and kind with friends.
請益,請益 ; 請仰,請仰????????

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