Help me understand what I did wrong here?

2021-03-20 4:15 am
Today my wife and I were fixing our lunch.  I was boiling some soft boiled eggs and she wanted hers hard boiled so she took a separate pot and put two eggs in some water and started to boil them.  My eggs were in another pot.  I walked to the bedroom then a few minutes later I walk into the kitchen to check on my eggs so they don't overcook and when I looked at her pot it was boiling over.  Apparently one of her eggs had a crack in it and the whites of the eggs were now cooked and boiling over the pot.  I told her in a calm voice, "your eggs are boiling over."  She's working from the kitchen and so she turns and looks at the stove and says, "well, what do you want me to do?"  I said, "the common sense thing to do would be to get up and come check on your eggs."  She got all bent out of shape with me like I was trying to tell her or demanding that she do something.  Maybe it's a woman thing where they don't want to be told what to do especially by a man, but I wasn't running around frantic like the house was on fire.  I just told her that her eggs were boiling over.  I just find it funny that she looked at the stove then said "what do you want me to do?  So now I feel like I'm in the dog house because her eggs boiled over.  What did I do wrong here?

For those who mentioned it, my wife wasn't working. We both were on lunch.  She works from the kitchen.  Her woprkstation is on the kitchen table.  She was just sitting there watching TV.  Had I not walked in when I did it could have been worse.  I just pointed out to her that the pot was boiling over.  

回答 (26)

2021-03-20 4:21 am
A more considerate approach might have been to turn the burner down (or off), and then tell her that her eggs were boiling over and that you've turned the flame down.
Did that occur to you as a possibility?
2021-03-20 4:58 am
You were right there, you were the one that saw what was happening, you should have dealt with it.  Maybe saying something like oh no, the pot boiled over. Instead, you made it about her, like an *** I might add.
2021-03-20 4:53 am
You didn't do anything wrong.  She probably would have preferred it if you could have taken control of the situation though.
2021-03-20 4:22 am
She wanted you to be considerate of her and take care of the her egg problem.  
2021-03-20 5:03 am
As a husband you should have learned that you are ALWAYS wrong.  Get over it.  But seriously you could have turned the stove down.  She could have put the eggs in your pot and just left them on for a bit longer.  The whole scenario is laughable.
2021-03-20 11:38 pm
You were right there at the stove. You should have turn down the flame and taken care of it. You were there!   Hey I just turned down your eggs.  
2021-03-20 8:07 am
Please stop with the "woman thing", you sound like a Neanderthal. More likely this is a 'working from home for an entire freakin' year and getting sick of your face' thing. We all feel this way about our co-captives at this point. 
2021-03-20 5:10 am
I don't think you did anything "wrong", you just weren't considerate. Ask yourself this. If you were working and your wife was standing next to a pot of water boiling over, would she ask you do get up from your work or would she help you and just take care of it?
I've been married for 27 years and we do thinks like that for each other without asking. It's just common courtesy.
2021-03-20 6:34 am
Your problems within your marriage get more and more trivial.  I can't IMAGINE what would happen if you had a REAL problem.  My husband, having basic common sense, would have removed the pot with MY eggs (?) from the heat.  I am VASTLY amused that you don't put all the eggs in one pot, remove some when they are soft boiled and let the remainder cook to the hard boiled stage.  But I guess that's your marriage, not mine.
And to quote you “@ Foofa [or Patrick] Are you freaking kidding me?” about this trivial issue?
2021-03-20 2:13 pm
You coulda manned up and taken care of her eggs for her.  Do you work in an office or something?  Geez!
參考: In office work we sit around and tell each other something needs to be done about this but no one ever actually gets off their azz and does anything about it.
2021-03-20 8:50 am
You sound like a real piece of work I'm sure you know what you did wrong and you have probably been doing it for years.
2021-03-22 10:35 pm
Am I understanding this right? You're standing right by the stove and there is a pot on the burner erupting like Vesuvius and you, instead of acting to minimize the mess, stand there and tell your wife "YOU have a problem here darling" and in the mean time lava ... er boiling water and mess ... continues to flow onto the range top and other surfaces. Is that what happened? And now you're doing the "ME? Innocent little ME?" routine.
2021-03-21 10:22 am
When you show concern and don't fix it, it becomes your fault. You now know next time in that position to let her eggs boil over, the steaming water to go everywhere and leave an all round mess.
What happens when she bites your head off for it? Nothing. You just remind her of what happened this time when you made her aware of it.
It's called a lack of respect and if you want her to respect you, don't let her walk all over you.
2021-03-21 7:34 pm
What's wrong? 
1. You're the guy. That makes you wrong instantly!
2. She's having a bad day. You're not helping.
3. She wanted hard boiled. Easy - set all eggs in the same pot then pull out yours after 6 minutes and hers after 12 minutes. If an egg cracked while cooking, that's automatically yours.
4. So you see, nothing you do makes it right. Just ride it out quietly while pampering her. Nothing else to do.
5. Monthly period?

Source: From a guy still together with the same gal for 31 years.
2021-03-21 5:40 am
Wow I can’t believe those who claim you did something “wrong”. Why couldn’t this wife answered by saying “thank you for informing me , could you please turn the flame down?”.. At least that’s how I would have answered to your comment .  Judging by these people’s answers it shouldn’t surprise us the high rates of divorce and adultery .... I mean , they are ready to start a fight over something so silly .. how disappointing.
2021-03-23 9:55 pm
The problem was the way you worded it. "the common sense thing to do would be" as to pertaining that she has no common sense when cooking? Instead of just saying "yikes, check your eggs!"
參考: My knucklehead husband
2021-03-22 9:52 pm
She sounds confused.
And angry.
Why is that??
2021-03-22 12:30 am
In future just let her look after her own things.
2021-03-21 3:36 am
I had an ex like this, if you had turned the stove off she would have been like "why did you turn it off? now they arent cooked properly!"
2021-03-21 1:46 am
Cooking.  You should have had your wife cook your food, as that is women's work.
2021-03-20 5:21 am
You did nothing wrong, as far as I can see. Chances are she was stressing over something else and took it out on you. She won't tell you what that "something else" was, because husbands are somehow just supposed to know these things. You're supposed to have magical husband powers that tell you when she's in a bad mood, and why, and what to say or not say. I guess if you did anything wrong, it was failing to use your magical powers.
2021-03-23 7:24 pm
Forget about it. This is small potatoes. Worry about more important things.
2021-03-21 7:33 pm
Of cause,  she want you to check and cae her eggs to be good boild.
Just stop arguing. 
2021-03-21 7:25 am
What do you want me to do ? the answer is , " Well nothing , I got it . Not , I'm on this high horse , and you should know , the common sense person would . 
2021-03-21 12:40 am
You failed to get the sarcasm. 
2021-03-21 12:08 pm
I dont see why the Womam was sitting watching tv and you cooking.   That's a womans job. Mostly.   In future pull back from that

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