Should I be offended by this?

2021-03-20 2:40 am
In high school I asked a girl out on Facebook. I got no response and the following day I was told she was scared of me and then blocked me. Yet, fast forward to adulthood and her husband met her through messaging her on Facebook. She didn’t seem to have a problem in that situation so it’s just me, right, and not the fact that I used social media? I’m just unappealing. 

Anonymous: Character doesn’t change 


You don’t know how poorly she treated me. She may have “grown up” but I can tell from social media that she is still a vapid and stuck up ***** who would never give a guy like me the time of day like every other woman on this planet. 


I don’t act this way in public. I don’t even talk to women anymore. I keep to myself. 


Incel? Please. You are an ***. I am not violent and have never had a history of hating women. I’ve had many bad experiences with women but it’s probably because I am a nerd. You don’t know how hurtful it is to have girls demean and laugh at you. It’s happened over 7 times. The worst is when they tell me they are having sex with other people to make me jealous. 

回答 (4)

2021-03-20 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I wouldn't assume you are unappealing. She could've just been more hesitant back then to meet a guy on FB. Maybe she was warned by her parents/friends of guys on FB pretending to be teens but were really old men. Maybe someone told her something about you or she saw something on your page she didn't like. Maybe she was more shy then. If you didn't say or do anything bad her, don't take it personally that she didn't go out with you. I chose to do different things when I was a teen compared with being an adult now.
2021-03-20 2:52 am
The big differences here seem to be that in high school you knew her in person and could have easily asked her out in person. So using FB to do that under those circumstances was a little strange. One assumes she met her husband as an adult and that they'd have had no way to meet in person prior to that. But in general you can't compare things people do as children to the things they do as grownups. 
2021-03-20 2:43 am
Times were different back then, I remember discussing with two school girls about if they'd ever chat online to guys. They took it as something bad which was dangerous. Fast forward to today and it's sort of odd not to meet people that way.
2021-03-20 2:52 am
Gee, Max, did it ever occur to you that the problem was that you were both in high school at that time, and then you both grew up (presumably)? Yeah, character DOES change for most of us, but perhaps you find yourself stuck in yours? In any case, this is not about character. This is about the difference between adolescents and adults. And if you think they're not different, you're not paying attention.
Sounds to me like you've got a grudge against women for rejecting you, Max, and are desperately seeking justification for it. You know that's pretty much what incels do, don't you? Blame women for rejecting them, when the fault is in themselves?
2021-03-20 4:53 am
Well dude um you gotta understand that  most woman are not this but you must of just met the wrong women in the past. You probably just gotta work on improving your conversations with women and don't think just  women are the only bad gender here. There  are some asshole dudes who would also talk **** about you for failing to find a girlfriend. I suggest  focus on your career and then you could either stay single for life or go back to looking for a potential mate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:35:35
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