
2021-03-18 8:39 pm

回答 (1)

2021-03-25 6:30 pm
When I ask in Taichun whether the J5 begin to make up tutorial-private-coaching schools to p6  National exams, how much sc-fees will it cost? I know the market may be different&variable, so please share it with experienced parents! (I'll share the monthly fee or the cost of the first period as well, if the son passes in the Exam.)(I haven't enough fees to share for every month) .(But to have an equal share fees in first month) .(If you want a share of the pay-fees, you'll have to do your share of the excellence of the tutorial class of the work your children done&enjoy.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:31:37
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