Hey is Trader Joe's "Two Buck Chuck" wine really any good?

2021-03-18 5:15 am

回答 (15)

2021-03-18 6:26 am
I have a friend who's near the end of her training to be a sommelier--the wine expert who goes around high-end restaurants to help diners select a wine that perfectly complements their meal.

And she says Two Buck Chuck is perfectly drinkable. I don't have a Trader Joe's--is it always one brand with that label, or is it a selection of low-cost wine that's sold as a two-dollar bottle but it varies what it is?

My friend says Two Buck Chuck is an especially good choice when you're opening a second bottle and everyone's had a glass (or two) of the better stuff, and appreciated it. The more you feel your wine, the less discriminating your palette becomes.
2021-03-21 10:45 am
I am not a fan personally.
2021-03-19 8:54 am
no its basic cheap wine , something over $20 a bottle is more drinkable . Cheap wine is only for cooking to vinegary .
2021-03-18 5:54 am
It is a good value. 
2021-03-27 1:07 pm
Yes - it's ok.  If you're a $20 a bottle guy, then maybe not.  But I think it's decent, and it's what we had at our wedding.
2021-03-21 7:49 pm
"Two-buck Chuck" costs $3, of course. I tried most of the flavors years ago and the only ones I will buy are Merlot and Chardonnay. The others are a lot worse. But when you're having dinner every night on the couch and falling asleep in front of the TV, who needs the good stuff?
2021-03-19 12:53 pm
Doesn't Chuck give you a clue?
2021-03-19 11:24 am
Depends on your expectations and how it will be used.
2021-03-19 12:30 am
For the most part, wine drinkers are all the same. They cannot tell the difference between a $10 Merlot or a $100 Merlot, unless you are a somelier. 

As for cooking, Never use a wine that you cannot drink. And that being said, a $10 bottle of wine is fine. 
2021-03-18 9:29 pm
Realistically, the vast majority of people can't tell the difference between expensive and cheap wine.  It takes an effort to learn to do so, and that's just not something most of us are that invested in. 

Tastes vary between people.  The best wine is the one you like to drink.  With that philosophy in mind, cheap wine is great, because you can try it without spending much, and if you like it, awesome, if not, you're only out a couple of bucks.
2021-03-18 8:19 am
IDK about that but Aldi's brand, Winking Owl, is pretty good at two-something a bottle.
2021-03-21 9:48 am
"Three Buck Chuck" is cheap and tastes like it. It's not even worth three bucks a bottle. If you want a decent wine at a great price then try Black Box brand box wines. At the Walmart I go to it's about $17 for a 3-liter box and I think it's worth it.
2021-03-18 1:06 pm
It's drinkable, and the Merlot is really kind of pleasant. If you're willing to spend another dollar a bottle, the Charles Shaw organic is really pretty good. I buy the Pinot Grigio by the case.
2021-03-18 7:38 am
It is. I always have some on hand for cooking, but sometimes when friends come over, that is what they'll choose to drink rather than other wines, beers, and cocktails I have. 
2021-03-18 5:51 am
Yes!!! I love it.

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