Does CBD oil really help?

2021-03-18 1:58 am
Manufacturers say that CBD oil can help treat pain, anxiety, and so on. Does it really deliver on such promises?

回答 (8)

2021-03-18 2:02 am
There is currently no medical study that supports these claims.  It ranks right up there with snake oil and pyramid power.  It is only popular because it comes from marijuana and people hope to get a buzz off it.
2021-03-18 2:06 am
*can* help is not the same thing as *will* help.

All evidence to date is purely anecdotal.

As someone who works in veterinary medicine, we find very few clients report any actual improvement.    Dogs do not benefit from placebo effect.
2021-03-18 3:21 am
So far, it appears to have the placebo effect: You think you're doing something to lessen pain or anxiety, so it does.

But clinical studies are few (none?) and there is no hard data backing the claims.
2021-04-04 11:25 pm
pain and anxiety is a gluten problem and sweeteners
just change you diet and you will be fine
2021-03-23 7:20 pm
There's no evidence, for example, that CBD cures cancer. There is moderate evidence that CBD can improve sleep disorders, fibromyalgia pain, muscle spasticity related to multiple sclerosis, and anxiety. "The most benefit I have seen as a physician is in treating sleep disorders, anxiety, and pain," says Dr.
2021-03-21 2:23 pm
I think the oil can be a nice extra but as usual, it is a product of the medical holocaust industry not to go to the cause but cover the symptoms. Your listed symptoms are a sign of chemicals and heavy metals in the brain. Check the webpage of the Klinghardt institute and ask for a nearby practiconier to detox. You can start to detox by yourself and substitute all necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. All the people are malnutritioned and the place of good nutrition is occupied by heavy metals now.
2021-03-20 6:25 pm
CBD, in my view, will help to prevent or cure certain cancers, but when paired with THC, it would better bind to the "receptor" that many cancers have.

There are a plethora of research on cannabis and cancer, the majority of which focus on THC's potential to destroy and prevent cancer, but there aren't as much on CBD's usage for cancer.
2021-03-20 3:19 am
All hemp extracts have multiple therapeutic properties. These leafy bushes have been the go-to option for pain relief and excessive stress. 
This Harward study has some interesting facts to share -,different%20types%20of%20chronic%20pain. 

The purity of these extracts matters a lot as the medicinal power is directly connected to potency. Organically derived full-spectrum CBD oil or tincture is the most effective option. Brands like proudly bring you finest quality CBD products with minimun side effects. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:35:18
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