航行到一個地方,英文是 sail to 還是 sail for?

2021-03-17 6:19 pm

回答 (5)

2021-03-18 9:31 am
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sail to =sail toward指航向某處,

例假使向某方向航行只能用sail east

sail for後跟目的地
2021-03-17 11:35 pm
sail to才是。       
For 應該意思就是為了一個地方而航行,
To 是去一個地方。
2021-04-20 5:05 am
He has sailed for New York.他已乘船去紐約了.
2021-03-18 6:15 pm
It should be sail to 
2021-03-18 8:33 am
sail to 應為sailing to,正前往到某處,已經到達用from 

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