What are your thoughts on conservatives like Candace Owens getting offended over Cardi B's song WAP?

2021-03-17 7:58 am
In my opinion it's hilarious when conservatives call liberals snowflakes but get easily triggered by something they don't like.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

回答 (9)

2021-03-17 8:00 am
She wasn't offended. She criticized it and made fun of the left because they are canceling cartoons and not that. Apparently that skit wasn't bad for kids. 
2021-03-17 8:11 am
Conservatives are always going to try to get some things cancelled and rail against "cancel culture" at other times and never recognize their hypocrisy.
2021-03-17 8:12 am
They are the same kind who falsely make up stories about Dr. Seuss while Democrats pass Relic Legislation. What Candace says or does carries little significance and no weight. Cardi is the one to follow and she has millions of supporters. 
2021-03-17 8:14 am
You hate powerful black women don’t you?
2021-03-17 8:18 am
She was just making a point about how liberals cry and freak out over dr. Seuss, Peter Pan, dumbo, and Mr. potato head, claiming it poisons children. Yet, two women humping  each other on stage is “female empowerment.”

Progressives have become who and what they claim to be against. The irony is their ideology of “cancel culture” and self-loathing is regressive. 
2021-03-17 8:01 am
irony is always lost on people who think they are owed everything 
2021-03-17 8:11 am
Candace Owens was not offended by Cardi B's WAP song but rather felt jealous envy because South of the Candace Border it is drier than the Sahara.
2021-03-17 8:23 am
What? You don't like Intelligent, assertive Black women? 
Or just not anyone who is not a Liberal? 
2021-03-17 8:27 am
Candace Owens is a very intelligent woman, who is superior in the sense of intelligence. Since when was calling a lame song out the equivalent of being offended? It's hilarious when Liberals like you try to make intelligent claims, and even when you try, you still don't seem very intelligent.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:51
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