what the first thing you will do when covid is over?

2021-03-17 3:12 am

回答 (6)

2021-03-17 3:52 am
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When I feel it's truly safe, I'll fly to Boston and hug my daughter. Hard.
2021-03-17 3:13 am
Run out of the house, strip naked, stand in the middle of the motorway and yell "FREEDOM" as loudly as I can. Whilst dancing like a chicken, of course.

If we're talking about legal stuff, however, then I'll probably go see my friends for the first time in the last year.
2021-03-17 3:16 am
It's not going to end on a specific date but rather slowly fade out (and could take years or decades to go away entirely, if at all).  And so we shouldn't just flip a switch and "go back to normal" we should ease our way back into it.  Too many people think in terms of "all or none" when things like disease are more gradual in both their onset and their decline.  That said, I'm looking forward to going to a restaurant and seeing my friends and family in person (I haven't done either for over a year).
2021-03-17 4:04 am
Burn my face diapers. Then go grocery shopping without struggling to breathe!!!!
2021-03-17 3:15 am
I shall visit my favourite restaurant, with family, order a slap up meal and sink a pint of expensive lager. I always foot the bill but it's well worth it.
2021-03-30 8:35 pm
Thank God for removing it from us.  There were many pandemics during bible times.  God is in control of all things whether we actually believe that or not.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:35:43
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