You smell that your neighbour is smoking weed. What do you do? ?

2021-03-16 5:36 pm

回答 (8)

2021-03-16 5:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mind my own business. 
2021-03-16 5:51 pm
You say " well my good fellow human... How're you doing. Do you feel the love in the vibes? I feel you... Your vibrance is negative. Let me hold and hug you until the sun peaks and we can chase the desert wind into oblivion" 
2021-03-16 7:18 pm
You mind your own business
2021-03-16 6:30 pm
He actually does he asked me if I do I told him no he shut up ever since 
2021-03-16 5:57 pm
How do you know they are not burning sage?
2021-03-16 5:46 pm
Nothing. It’s legal where I live.
2021-03-16 5:43 pm
I mind my own business!
2021-03-16 5:37 pm

I smoke cigarettes. 

Naturally, Id smile and raise my fist in the air like this: ✊😎
參考: Smokers rights. Both are legal. 🥴

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:42:17
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