How do you think schools would’ve handled the pandemic if this happened 20 to 25 years ago before we had Zoom?

2021-03-16 9:35 am
Or any kind of video chat for that matter

回答 (8)

2021-03-16 10:05 am
They wouldn't have closed. 
Just like they didn't close in 2017 when we had the worst flu season in 40 years.

Why are schools having such a time re-opening?  Because they should have never have closed.  It's really hard to overcome something that shouldn't have happened.  All businesses are open even in sunny California, except schools. 

We are failing a generation. 
2021-03-16 11:03 am
The same thing they did during the flu pandemic of 1917-18. The schools in the hardest hit areas DID close. There wasn't as much concern about everyone graduating from high school back them. 
2021-04-07 10:43 am
Probably still go to school and sometimes stay home while assignments are mailed in or maybe no school at all
2021-03-29 8:16 am
this isnt the first pandemic the world has suffered - 25 years ago you would be expected to still go to school
2021-03-24 3:11 am
They wouldn’t have closed. Would have made recommendations of safety. Although covid is real the reaction of mass hysteria to it has been abnormal. 
2021-03-16 10:16 am
Outdoor classes or snail mail.
2021-03-16 9:36 am
Everyone would have been left back a grade.
2021-03-16 9:40 am
The lessons would be sent to the student's home by snail mail, and telephone conference calls could be set up to teach a class of students.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:31:32
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