Why do you think Republicans only see the vaccine as political?

2021-03-16 2:19 am
It's not Democratic or Republican. It's a vaccine to keep them from getting sick and possibly dying and they'd be protecting themselves, their families and friends. What don't they understand?

Should Trump swallow his pitiful pride and tell them to get vaccinated or would that be anti-Trumpism?

Anonymous #1: You're a frickin liar and anyone who believes as you do don't deserve to get the vaccine. Biden is "hoping" your" type will get vaccinated to save everyone who has taken the vaccine, fool.


Godless Gazoo: No one is forcing you to do anything. Don't take it. You can with the other fools like you. It does and will continue to kill people. I guess you think the total deaths of over 533 thousand people is fake news. YOU'RE the fake.

回答 (12)

2021-03-16 2:25 am
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It all started when Trump saw the pandemic as a PR problem and tried to gaslight the nation by saying it was a nonissue.  His willful negligence caused the pandemic to wash over us like a tsunami.  So then his defenders/supporters shifted into ultra cult mode, denying the harsh reality in front of us all in a frantic attempt to make Trump seem infallible.  In their panic, they thought that if they could make the pandemic out to be a nonissue, masks to be unimportant, and the vaccine to be outright harmful, then they could salvage their dignity over their demigod Trump's abject failure.
2021-03-16 2:38 am
This article talks about the hundreds of deaths after the receiving the COVID vaccine. It doesn't even address those overseas. https://www.newsweek.com/covid-vaccine-deaths-cause-pfizer-moderna-fact-check-966-died-1574447 

So while I'm not against vaccines in general, in this case, I prefer to take a wait and see position on such a new one. In the meantime, I encourage people to do everything they can to improve their personal immunity. Remember the vast majority of co-morbidities that predispose you to COVID are lifestyle-related. That means eating healthy, exercising, and targeted supplements... most importantly, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Magnesium. 

BTW, I personally know of 3 previously healthy older men who died within a week of getting the vaccine and another one who became seriously ill. 
2021-03-16 2:24 am
Once again we have a democrat bearing false witness. No republicans are using the word "only.". America was told by democrats that there would be no vaccine for 2 years. Trump cut the red tape and allowed drug manufacturers to use their recourses effectively in a free market. He took government bureaucracies out of the equation and the vaccine was developed and tested in 8 months. There was a LOT of politics involved in all this. Therefore it's accurate to conclude Trump's laissez faire political strategy was the driving force behind the creation, and early distribution of the vaccine.  
2021-03-16 2:24 am
To me it's not a vaccine and I'm not a republican.
參考: As far as I'm concerned I'm a walking vaccine for covid
2021-03-16 2:56 am
You aren't going to die from it in all likelihood.  Even if you get it.

The problem is you guys are wanting to try to force them.  That automatically is a red flag.  If they don't want it, they don't have to take it.  If their friends and family did get it, the odds of them getting it are very low.
2021-04-08 5:45 am
because that is how trump has TOLD them to see it.  I look at vaccines from a SCIENTIFIC angle (you Qpublicans are not educated enough to understand science) and what I am seeing and reading tells me that the vaccine needs a LOT more TESTING.  It's not political at all for me.  I am against vaccines no matter what. And certainly long before this COVID vaccine came along.
2021-03-16 4:07 am
I don't see it as political I'm not getting it because I'm allergic to a lot of medications
and that it has been a rushed vaccine. 
2021-03-16 2:37 am
Trump did tell everyone to get vaccinate, it was Harris/Biden that ran on the vaccines couldn't be trusted. The won, Trump went away to go hide in his corner.  He has nothing to do with it anymore.
2021-03-16 2:31 am
Biden is taking credit for what Trump did. It's that simple. In the name of science, Obama let Fauci pay the Chinese to work on this virus and make it so humans could catch it. This pandemic is all Obama's and Fauci's fault. But because the Democrats are so "political" they'll get away with it.
2021-03-16 2:24 am
It's a conversion of the hoax that virus 2019 was supposedly to smear trumpy .
Now its' conspiratorial kids laugh if one tries to resist 

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