Can a school knowingly send your child home to a bus stop where no one will be able to pick them up?

2021-03-15 11:49 pm
My son has a permanent bus pass for his Granny’s house (she drives bus so a lot of times he wants to ride her bus to her house where I’m there to pick him up) and an unlimited bus pass for a bus that will bring him home. I wrote in his planner today that he is to ride the bus that will actually bring him home today (My car is in the shop so it’s necessary today). The secretary called me, very rude off the bat, and said he did not have a bus pass. Which I knew was a lie because the head of transportation called me and told me it was approved and he could use it as needed. Then she proceeded to say that their system was wiped of all bus passes so she couldn’t see he had a bus pass. That’s not my fault, I know he clearly has a bus pass. All in all, she will not send him home on his bus pass but yet will knowingly send him on his permanent bus pass where no one will be there to pick him up. Is it legal for her to do this, especially against my will?

回答 (4)

2021-03-16 10:39 am
Depends on how old your son is, and what your local laws are.  The burden is more on the bus driver than the school.
2021-03-16 12:36 am
Different system have different rules on this one. Sounds like they have some sort of bus policy that prevents them from playing musical chairs with the buses. Could even be more strict depending on Covid accommodations right now.
2021-03-16 4:18 am
It's pretty much your responsibility. Take an Uber to where he's going to be dropped off. 
2021-03-16 2:25 am
You didn’t mention your son’s age. If he’s 5 years old, I think it would be child neglect or child endangerment for the school to knowingly send him on the bus and drop him off in a place without adult supervision. If he’s 15, then it’s his responsibility to get where he needs to go. I’m not sure what you mean by a “bus pass,” but I’m sure he’s not the only child who gets dropped off at different places for different days. Since the secretary called you, and you confirmed that your son should take the bus home, that should have been their “pass” to send your son on the bus home. This isn’t some misunderstanding, because you made it very clear where your son was supposed to go. If your son is very young, and they actually do drop him off alone, you should call child protective services to report the school. I would hope the bus driver wouldn’t just leave him outside alone. YOU are the parent, so YOU decide where your kid goes after school. The school doesn’t get to decide that for you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:30:55
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