Why does evolution allow men to be born with small penises?

2021-03-15 9:02 pm
I'm not trying to sound vulgar, I just don't get why a system that is all about furthering the species would allow men to be born with something that women don't want or find appealing?

回答 (12)

2021-03-16 10:19 am
Because evolution doesn't breed out "unappealing" traits, only ones that inhibit the survival of a species. Having a small penis doesn't make a person any less or any more fertile, so genetics doesn't step in and correct it. 
2021-03-15 9:07 pm
Size of penis is not relevant to fertility.  Evolution is not a system with a goal.  It is not about "furthering the species".  Penis size is actually not something human women are generally considering when choosing a mate.
2021-03-16 8:57 pm
It’s not in any way a biological necessity to successfully find a mate. Most women will gladly favor a man who can provide wealth and security with a little dinger to a deadbeat unemployed guy with a donkey dong. 
2021-03-15 9:15 pm
"Size of penis is not relevant to fertility." You should have stopped there, Slickterp.

Evolutions IS a system with a goal, to make sure the species continues, hence us humans and most other species have evolved a strong sex drive. That is the only thing that matters here (plus the fertility), not shapes or sizes of anything else. It's more or less irrelevant.
2021-03-15 9:53 pm
i gather you have little experience in this area.
2021-03-29 7:56 am
women dont know what they want until a man tells them
2021-03-17 5:01 am
Human males have the largest penises based on body size.
2021-03-15 9:49 pm
They try harder much more pleasure than business.
2021-03-15 9:15 pm
Cos babies are not reproductive 
2021-03-16 6:50 am
is mine small its only 7 1/2 inches long !!! Yes am white , not an asians ..or a black ...

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:29:15
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