Can You get food stamps if you have a husband and five kids and your combined income is $3600/month?

2021-03-15 10:32 am

回答 (4)

2021-03-15 11:31 am
You can in some states if you can show that your rent and your bills exceed your income to the point where you can't buy food. 

Other states like Georgia will laugh at you if you tell them we make $3,600 a month and we need food stamps.
2021-03-16 8:06 am
It is far better to get better jobs, don't have kids when you can't take care of them.
2021-03-16 2:22 am
Varies by state but I doubt it
2021-03-15 10:55 am
Even with 5 kids I dont think that income would quailfy but you have to check with SNAP in your state.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:47
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