In the Bible, why do crowds riot so often?

2021-03-15 9:23 am
In the Bible, whenever Jesus, the disciples or other Christians taught about Christianity, crowds would often riot or have an uproar.

Why did people constantly riot; why couldn’t they just respond calmly?

回答 (5)

2021-03-15 9:27 am
I don't recall riots being reported as part of the report on the sermon on the mount.
Got links?
2021-03-15 6:56 pm
Because people hate God apart from His grace and violence and hatred is what they know best.
2021-03-15 10:07 am
The Christian movement was strongly opposed because the Jews had made the name of God obscure and Jesus said I have come to make the name of my father known and I'm going to do exactly that.

When the apostles and the disciples started preaching in the street using yahweh's name and talking about him in public it really stirred up a riot people weren't used to hearing the name of God they were taught that it was way too sacred to even talk about.

this actually originated with the idea that if we don't say the name of God maybe he won't take notice of us when we do something sinful and punish us.

so they substituted words like Lord and God and elohim.

And they made the name of Jehovah Yahweh obscure and when the apostles started to talk about Jehovah it really set the crowd off.

That still happens today!  You can say almost anything you want to you can talk race hatred you can talk sexual perversion and people eat it up!

I just you go to talking about the name Jehovah and watch everybody get upset really darn quick
2021-03-15 9:25 am
That is easy Apollo showed the Jews by their scripture Jesus Christ is Lord

Isaiah 2 Daniel 11  Daniel 9
How can the messiah build the third temple if the day of the Lord happens afterward. Joel 2 Isaiah 24:15,16 Isaiah 29 Zechariah 12

There can not refute what the prophets say Isaiah said while the isles rejoice from East to west the Jews will say treachery Isaiah 24:16 Read it and explain it why will the isles Tarishish Britian Chittiam Rome and javen Greece rejoice. I'm be a light to the gentiles Malachi 1:11 my name will be great among the heathens saith the Lord of Hosts. Why will Israel say treachery? 

Jesus Christ is Lord
2021-03-15 9:37 am
A person can battle rioting using the rosary and fasting.  Rioting is often instigated by the devil and the demons of hell, and the Virgin Mary is the only creature more powerful than all the forces of hell combined.  Mary is the perfect disciple of Jesus Christ!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:38
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