Did you guys know that 1982 and 1993 have the same calendar?

2021-03-15 8:57 am
Oh and they both had the same easter date, April 11. Crazy huh?

回答 (5)

2021-03-18 12:57 pm
Yea and 2009 and 2020 have the same calender too, they both have the same easter date of april 12, which is my birthday lol
2021-03-15 9:51 am
No, but it is not crazy. That how the Gregorian calendar works. 
2021-03-15 9:11 am
There's only 14 possible calendars, so repeats aren't uncommon at all. Non-leap year calendars repeat every 6 or 11 years.
2021-03-15 9:00 am
Crazy, yes, how history repeats itself even on calendars!!
2021-03-15 9:35 am
it does sound crazy, this is the first ive heard of it

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