Why can’t the joker be played by a black person?

2021-03-15 7:19 am
That’s not even the joker‘s actual skin color, it is chemically bleached.

回答 (2)

2021-03-15 8:18 am
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He could be, and I wouldn't be surprised if in ten years time he will be. Right now they're working on a movie where superman is played by a black actor and I bet after that casting will be going to a lot of different races even if the characters have only been white. Also worth noting is that Joker has been played by a black man before in the 2000s cartoon series The Batman and again in the animated movie Batman vs Dracula. 
2021-03-15 7:20 am
Because it would be ghetto.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:38
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