
2021-03-15 2:57 am


回答 (2)

2021-03-15 1:41 pm
Tonight I (Hung) met Tom Hanks/Tom Cruise (the famous Hollywood Filmstar usa); secretly strolling along Shahlin Taipei Night-Markets.
(1)Hello.How are you.?Are you Tom Hanks/Tom Cruise?!
Is it really you?Oh My God !I can't believe it!It is a really you !
I am a fans of you. Can I take a picture with you and sign ?
(2)I really believe for your shot the scene of climbing the plane with Tom Hands, but then the side door of the airplane opens and sucks you ,Mr.Hanks, into the airplane in the studio shot or on the scene shot? Really?!
(3)Expensive ! Where is your body-guard at Beverly Hill Hollywood now?! 
2021-03-17 6:31 pm
Hi, I am one of your fans.May I take a picture with you or have your signature?I am astonished that you climbed the airplane with your bare hands in the movie. While the side door of the airplane opened,you were rolled into the aircraft cabin.were it shot in the movie studio or on the scene?
Is that you? My god,I can't believe it. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:30:48
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