How would the Royal Family respond if Meghan Markle runs for President of the US?

2021-03-15 2:44 am
She’s a Democrat and Prince Harry seems to agree with her views, at least somewhat.

The UK Royal Family is supposed to be politically neutral.  That’s perhaps one reason why people love them so much: nobody knows what the Queen’s views are.

How would the Royal Family respond if some of its members became known as active Democrats?

Meghan Markle has stated that she’s a Democrat.

回答 (2)

2021-03-15 2:55 am
It wouldn't bother them one bit. The US president has nothing to do with the Royal family. Meghan would have to give up her Royal title. Her husband would still be a Prince, but she would be a nothing.
2021-03-15 2:49 am
What makes you think she’s a democrat? Because she’s black and has experienced racism? 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:38:52
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