Should the Governors of states who lifted the mask mandate and opened up everything as usual be arrested and tried for attempted murder?

2021-03-14 9:53 am

Anonymous: Ask your wife. And get in line for covid.


Anonymous 2: I'm not wrong, you are.


William:               :Cuomo didn't murder anyone. Just fudged the numbers. Trump's the murderer. Oracle:


Yodi: Already got my 2 vaccines. How about you?

回答 (8)

2021-03-14 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
I do believe there should be consequences they face for their dangerous actions..
2021-03-14 9:54 am
How does it feel being so wrong you are potato?
2021-03-14 10:00 am
there's a vaccine and hydroxy. stop giving in to the fearmongering and go live your life again!
2021-03-14 9:55 am
What does a semi abortion feel like?
2021-03-14 10:06 am
i just wonder where the Health insurance people are. If I keep driving carelessly, my car insurance is cancelled.
2021-03-14 10:03 am
No vaccines for you.
2021-03-14 10:56 am
Why isn't Cuomo tried for at least manslaughter?  Lifting the mask mandate cannot be connected to higher deaths.
2021-03-14 10:06 am
Cuomo needs to be charged with mass murder.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:53
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