Is it true that 99.9% of people that "die from COVID" really die from UNDERLYING CONDITIONS?

2021-03-14 7:41 am
The media has overblown COVID! The death count is nowhere near as high as they say it is!

回答 (17)

2021-03-14 7:45 am
Actually it is much higher than being reported many deaths in rural areas were not identified as COVID related. 
2021-03-14 7:44 am
No, that's not remotely true or even sane.

This is you:
2021-03-14 7:55 am
If you get stabbed, you die from blood loss.  I guess you died from blood loss but WITH a stab wound.  Your logic sounds like something I'd expect from a toddler. 
2021-03-14 7:43 am
Many estimate the death count for covid is actually low, more like 750,000.
If you have a heart condition and contract covid, and having covid exasperates the heart condition and you die, is not the death attributed to contracting covid?
2021-03-14 7:43 am
You just posted 4 completely idiotic questions in the span of 20 minutes. Bored much?
2021-03-14 7:47 am
No.  It's true that most of those who died have underlying conditions, so do most of those who didn't die.  Nearly everyone alive has an underlying condition, but most of the underlying conditions are things that don't kill a person -- unless they get COVID or HIV or some other disease.

The actual death count is at least 100,000 more than they say it is, because there were over 100,000 more deaths than what they say it is plus the number that die of other things in a normal year.
2021-03-14 7:46 am
So, you have access to stats  that nobody  else  has, from  200 countries? 😏
2021-03-14 8:01 am
Wrong. The death count is at least ten times what they say it is.
2021-03-14 7:54 am
Life is fragile and MANY people are in the situation where it wouldn't take much to endanger their lives. Even people who feel and seem otherwise healthy.

COVID-19 really is a huge factor in this since it attacks the lungs by creating excess fluid output on a cellular level. Fighting 'micro-processes' that directly affect 'mezzo-processes' (our 'normal' perspective between 'micro' and 'macro'), is damn near impossible. That is why there aren't any real 'cures' for viruses. 

From this perspective, even vaccines are like carpet bombing and hoping for the best. That is why 80,000 Americans died from Influenza last year, (on average around 60,000 per year), even though we have had an 'updated' Influenza vaccine for almost 80 years.

It was specious and stupid of Biden to compare COVID-19 to war casualties, since I could have just used heart disease as the example and it would have been even more impressive. It is our leading cause of death by far. That said, COVID-19 is legitimately on the list now and will probably stay there so don't underestimate its deadly capabilities. Keep social distancing. 
2021-03-14 8:16 am
The percentage of people who died of Covid AND had an underlying condition is 94%. A local talk show host I listen to got it and he often says they died “with” Covid, not “of” it. Anyone who has the virus in their system and dies of ANY other reason is always counted as a Covid death. If the number of deaths were recounted excluding those who died of car crashes and other unrelated causes, the revised number of deaths would be significantly less.
2021-03-14 7:45 am
Honey, there are only two things that people die from: 
1) They stop breathing; or, 2) Their heart stops beating.  Think on it, and you'll get it.
h t h
2021-03-14 8:02 am
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) details that 99% of COVID-19 USA deaths are in people over 60, and 50% are in people over 78. Over 1/3rd are nursing home deaths, and in the European Union, over 1/2 are in nursing home deaths. 
Yes, COVID-19 is grossly overblown, in my opinion. 
2021-03-19 11:32 am
Your claim is both ridiculous and stupid.

It is like someone getting shot and it being claimed the bulled did not kill him, but the bleeding did.
2021-03-14 7:43 am
Pretty much. Im sorry anyone had to die.
2021-03-14 7:47 am
It sometimes look like the biggest scam in the world. They are doing some kind of case study.
2021-03-14 8:57 am
Not quite 99.9%, but yes.
2021-03-14 8:42 am
i think thats possible

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