
2021-03-13 1:32 pm
One study found that employees took an average of 7.8 days off work through sickness last year, a fall from 8.5 days the previous year.

想請問知識大大們,為什麼句末的the previous year前面不用加介系詞in----in the previous year 呢?例如像in the past year前面就有介系詞in。
謝謝。: )

回答 (3)

2021-03-14 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案

為神last year前面不加介系詞in而只有問the previous year前面不用加介系詞in?

> 因為last year 是時間副詞片語。而且在我學習中,last year的前面是沒加介系詞。

last year與in last year都可以是時間副詞.
I visited Taiwan twice last year.
I visited Taiwan twice in last year.

> 原來last year前面也可加介系詞。
2021-03-13 4:39 pm
A regular oval shaped like an ellipse is called an "ellipse".
"ellipsis" is omission from a phrase of words needed to complete the construction or meaning;The instance of this in the previous year(or the last year) becomes the previous year(or the last year) containing an elliptical of "in" phrase.
ie:-A fall of (8.5-7.8)=0.7 days the previous year(or the last year) (adj phrase of time)"has been" found.
2021-03-15 3:22 pm
在已過去的一個限定的時間內(e.g. in the last year, in the last month...), 你表述你的經歷(如做某事多少次或到過某地方等), 不是用過去式, 而是用現在完成式哩!
I visited Taiwan twice in last year. (X)
I have visited Taiwan twice in "the" last year.  (O)
I have been to Taiwan in the last month.  (O)

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:30:48
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