Biden Says His Goal is For Families to Get Together For July 4th.  Why Should We Have to Wait That Long?

2021-03-13 1:19 pm

Why Not Easter?


Why so much anger, Andre?  As for me, I have a lot more faith in my sons than I do in Joe Biden.

回答 (10)

2021-03-13 1:20 pm
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I was with my family last time and will be with my family this time on the 4th of July as well
參考: Imagine believing professional liars
2021-03-13 1:23 pm
We should wait until enough people are vaccinated, and there's been enough time for the vaccines to take good effect inside all those people.

Because we're not selfish sociopathic monsters. Well, I'm not, based on your 'question', I'm not sure about you.
2021-03-13 1:21 pm
Because sadly a lot of trumplicans think of the pandemic as a hoax.
ps: If you don't have faith in Biden, how about leaving the country ?
2021-03-13 1:20 pm
By then enough people should be vaccinated, key word is SHOULD.  God knows with this country anymore.
2021-03-14 3:01 am
(Philippians 2:1-4) “2 If, then, there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any spiritual fellowship, if any tender affection and compassion, 2 make my joy full by being of the same mind and having the same love, being completely united, having the one thought in mind. 3 Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you, 4 as you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

In this case, Biden is superior to you. [Rom 13:1,2]
In this case, Biden is looking out for ALL who live in the US.

This is not a matter of 'more faith' in Biden, it is a matter of putting others ahead of what you want.

It is not a matter of 'more faith' in Biden, it is a matter of being in subjection to the superior authorities. [Rom 13:1,2]

Psalms 146:3 Do not trust [faith] in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. 4 His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; In that very day his thoughts perish.  5 How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the LORD [Jehovah] his God,

If only one person died because of getting together early as on Easter because of the pandemic, then the love of the Christ wouldn't be fulfilled.

(Matthew 4:7) “. . .“Again it is written: ‘You must not put Jehovah your God to the test.’””

To meet together prior to 'everyone' being vaccinated and the vaccine is at full strength, would be testing God.
2021-03-14 12:02 am
So that we don't die.
2021-03-13 1:40 pm
Because we have to get immunizations done AND we have to see if they work against the UK and SA version of covid.  
2021-03-13 1:33 pm
Your going to any way . no one cares either . I'm not gettin into a pissin match 
over the unknown . or playing the blame game . people's minds are set . that's what i think . I never needed trump's wisdom or any president's wisdom .
Biden is nothing but a press secretary for vaccine producers , But he's not acting like it's his doing and explaining logic explained to him and doing it well . the hope part  i can do without . Biology and evolution aren't that hard and for people to think either respects emotion is lame .
2021-03-13 1:31 pm
Let's hope you have to wait until 2030
2021-03-13 1:27 pm
A return to normal is always just around the corner. My own state governor has been kicking the can down the road, extending these lockdowns a month or 2 at at time, always making new promises that it will be over with soon. At the start they said this would only be for 2 weeks here we are a year later and we're further away from the end goal post than we were a year ago. Joe Boden set the goalpost in July and he hopes that by July we'll forget what he said, in July he's just going to say wait a couple more months and we'll be there. This will go on for years and years until people stand up and say enough is enough.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:10
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