If jesus is god and he's the son of god and god is one?

2021-03-13 10:55 am
Does it mean jesus is the son of himself and the father of himself?

回答 (9)

2021-03-13 2:46 pm
Not exactly. Just as you are human, because your father is human, doesn't mean that you and your father are one and the same person, neither is Jesus the same divine PERSON as his Father. Each member of the Holy Trinity is God, because each consists of one and the same, divine, almighty, eternal essence and each are perfectly united with the others in divine charity.
2021-03-13 11:43 am
You couldn't be that dumb so you must be trolling.
2021-03-19 12:00 pm
Very funny. Haha.
Jesus was the only son of God. And as I understand it, he rose to Heaven and sits on the right side of God. I think that it is so sad the humans brutally crucified that man. He was a man and absorbed all of the experiences of being a man. And yet, he offers salvation to pathetic humans. Only my opinion, though.
2021-03-16 12:50 am
The Trinity is 3 persons in one God.  

Not 3 persons in one person.  No 3 beings in one being.  Not 1 person in 3 beings.  Not 3 beings in one person.What You assert is Modalism not the Trinity.
2021-03-15 12:11 pm
Not according to the books written about the gods and demigods. Only in the interpretations of man.
2021-03-13 12:14 pm
Jesus only tells He is "One with the Father" meaning "united in every way" -- the very exact representation of the Father who expressed forgiveness to all while suffering on the cross.
2021-03-14 5:15 am
He isn't God.  He denied it.  St. Paul denied it.  According to Paul, only the Father is God.  Jesus is only one of the Lords, or lesser divine beings.

What the Bible actually teaches about Jesus Christ is that he is Jehovah incarnate, the creation and begotten son of God (who is Elohim).
2021-03-13 10:30 pm
No, it doesn't.
That is: not necessarily, and in this case not.

Consider this real-world example:
When both Bush Presidents were alive...

- George Bush Sr. is Mr. President (that is the proper way to address him in formal situations)

- George Bush Jr. is Mr. President

- George Bush Jr. is the son of George Bush Sr.

- Therefore, George Bush Jr. is simultaneously Mr. President and the son of Mr. President.

Does that mean that George Bush Jr. is the son of himself and the father of himself?



Because Mr. President is more than one person.

It's also true that God is more than one person (though NOT in the same way that Mr. President is more than one person.

BECAUSE God is more than one person
Being God and son of God simultaneously
does NOT allow you to draw the conclusion
that the son of God is the son of himself or the father of himself.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:05:56
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