Why pass legislation that will simply be thrown out in court?

2021-03-12 2:18 am
Stricter guns laws passes legislation today. A few months from now, SCOTUS will throw them out. Why bother?

回答 (4)

2021-03-12 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Obama proved with multiple of his EO's, that the damage is done long before it finishes going through the courts.  Many things could not be reversed at that time.
2021-04-07 7:09 am
If you don't like what is happening in America, get out.  We don't need you here.
2021-03-12 9:13 am
Will the Supreme Court actually overturn the laws?
I am not claiming the laws you refer to are Constitutional. I am suggesting the Supreme Court doesn't always overturn unconstitutional laws.
In addition, even if they do, it won't be 'in a few months'. More like a few years.
2021-03-12 2:28 am
The same should be said about anti abortion laws.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:44
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