Gasoline at the Pump Now Up 60c in Six Weeks.  Did You Thank President Biden Yet?

2021-03-11 3:11 am

回答 (8)

2021-03-11 5:52 am
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Yeah the price of gasoline is up at the pump and the price of silver is also up. These are two good markers of how full or how empty your financial gas tank is this is an almost certain indicator watch silver when it goes up toward $42 that's where your Great depression always sets in the lower the price of silver goes the better your American dollar is.

the financial experts are predicting that your American dollar will lose 30 to 40% of its value this year.

Gee thank you Democrats
2021-03-11 3:12 am
You mean for oil companies greed?
2021-03-11 3:44 am
"context" is a thing now that a democrat is in office.
參考: Anonymous
2021-03-11 3:34 am
I thank him every day for all the little horrors his puppet masters inflict upon us.

@ Paperwasp:  WOW.  You sure told us.  I guess you won the debate.  Got any more worthless self created little factoids to pull out of your butt to make you feel intellectually superior?  Because so far, you're failing.
2021-03-11 3:17 am
Have you forgotten about the deep freeze in Texas and its effect on refineries?
ps: I would rather pay a little more at the pump than know a lower price is due
to tRump literally sucking off the Saudis.
2021-03-11 3:16 am
what is $1,400 divided by 60 cents
2021-03-11 3:16 am
This is the highest gasoline has been in 18 months. Were you whining about gas prices when trump was in office? Didn't think so.
There are several reasons gasoline has gone up:1.Crude oil prices are surging 2.The pandemic has knocked down refineries 3. Harsh winters have been hard on refineries 
2021-03-11 3:27 am
Only backwards countries call it "gasoline"

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:35:17
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