Will Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview end the Monarchy and the Royal Family finally?

2021-03-09 10:25 am

回答 (14)

2021-03-09 11:20 am
If Charles I and Edward VIII didn't I don't suspect the Sussexes will. 
2021-03-09 12:34 pm
This will pass.  However Oprah should have done some fact checking as not everything Meghan and Harry said  is true.  As an example: it was Scotland Yard's decision to remove the security as this pair were no longer working royals.  Prince Andrew's daughters haven't had state - paid security for the past decade.  Harry  also doesn't understand how the titles work. The only reason that William's children have the title of prince or princess is not only are they in direct succession to the throne but the great - grandchildren of the monarch and the grandchildren of the immediate heir to the throne.  This was done by letters patent when Prince George was born. Currently Harry is 6th in line and not likely to ever be king. 
However Meghan was subject to unwarranted racial attacks by the British tabloids.
2021-03-09 10:46 am
Not at all. Many see it as a storm in a teacup, I know I do. 
2021-03-09 3:49 pm
Hardly.  There are 16 countries who's constitutions require the Queen to be Head of State.  While some are in the process of changing it, there is a 1200 year history, and the one time the monarchy was dumped ended up being very bad.  So, it will continue for a long time to come.
2021-03-09 12:01 pm
Absolutely not.  Harry and Meghan are trash.
2021-03-10 12:07 am
I think you will find that Elizabeth II is somewhat more enduring than Oprah Winfrey 
2021-03-09 8:00 pm
No. The whole thing will be dismissed as being the sort of things Americans do and why it is not a good idea to have them in the family, just as was decided 85 years ago. Then we will go back to life as normal.
I doubt it, but I can live in hope.
2021-03-09 10:27 am
As if England needed another reason to hate Americans.
2021-03-09 2:29 pm
Many want the monarchy to end 
2021-03-11 1:54 am
No it will not.
2021-03-10 3:58 pm
No, the Royal Family is the glue that holds the United Kingdom together. Even though the Royal Family has no power, its presence, and the traditions and history that go with it, are the reason why Canada, Australia, New Zealand and twelve other countries have a special relationship with each other. Things like mutual defense, manufacturing agreements and a lot of tourism have come about because of that special relationship. Its like saying you love your cousins when you've never met your cousins. But they're still your cousins so you treat them with a lot of cooperation because they're blood. Same thing with being part of the monarchy. lol
2021-03-10 6:30 am
Hardly, in fact, it may strengthen their position.  Remember, only eleven per cent of the population of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland identify themselves as non-white.
2021-03-09 10:29 am
No that would be late middletons creepy grin 

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