Will Wikipedia eventually close down and will it effect the Fandom wiki’s?

2021-03-09 8:33 am
I was reading an article for one of my Library Sciences classes about the decline of Wikipedia and I was very alarmed. Editing has gone down dramatically and it is privately funded so if people lose interest completely; it would surely close down. That’s fine; but I basically revolve my recreational life on reading the info on the Star Wars Wikipedia; which is known as Wookieepedia. It’s very important to have this info at my fingertips so I can write fan fiction and take an in-depth look at various offshoots of the franchise. JonahDimes, an amateur YouTube futurist said it Wikipedia might end in the ‘30’s. Do you think Wikipedia will close down and will it effect the fandom maintained wiki’s?

回答 (3)

2021-03-09 9:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Fandom and the Wikimedia Foundation are completely separate entities. Fandom does not rely on Wikipedia, and Wikipedia does not rely on Fandom.
2. The editing rate of Wikipedia has remained pretty much constant since 2015, and has actually gone up during the COVID19 epidemic.
3. Fandom (and hence Wookiepedia) is funded by ad revenue. It actually doesn't rely on editing at all for survival, only reader count.
4. I don't know who this "JonahDimes" person is, or why I or anyone else should care about his opinion. Nothing about Wikipedia's editing statistics or public finances indicate imminent failure. It's already been around for 20 years. There's no reason to think it can't last another 9, unless he's anticipating some sort of global disaster.
2021-03-09 9:30 am
All it would take is one wealthy tech person to contribute a couple of million bucks to keep Wikipedia up and running for more years.

I'm sure if it were to warn of the service going down, some wealthy publicly spirited tech person would make the donation.
2021-03-09 10:39 am
IF Wikipedia were to ever close down, it will NOT "effect" the fandom maintained wikis, and it won't AFFECT them either.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:58
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