What happens if someone forgives you for something but you don’t forgive yourself ?

2021-03-07 8:35 am

回答 (8)

2021-03-07 9:16 am
Then you live life sadder than you need to be.
2021-03-07 9:08 am
If the Lord forgives you, then you can surely forgive yourself. You are not more righteous than he.

Get on with it. 
2021-03-07 8:51 am
you suffer a miserable existence
2021-03-07 8:37 am
You remain unforgiven.
2021-03-07 6:27 pm
What would you do to yourself then.
2021-03-07 10:46 am
i may be in that situation i can never forgive myself for bad person i once was. i can only try to do as much good as i can for rest of my life.
2021-03-07 9:54 am
They have removed the significance of the individual or event from their lives and truly don't care how you chose to feel.
2021-03-07 9:53 am
There is Nothing in Scriptures that commands us to Forgive ourselves.

But know this, there are plenty of verses which teach God can forgive us. So then if God has forgiven you for this or that, then it matters not if you have forgiven yourself.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:04
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