If the federal minimum wage is raised, where will the companies get the money from?

2021-03-07 4:38 am
(like non profit companies)

回答 (7)

2021-03-07 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Their cash flow - - if they can't afford it they're in serious trouble
2021-03-07 4:41 am
For non-profits the same place they get it from now, through donations and fund raisers.
2021-03-07 4:44 am
Who cares ? If a company cannot or will not pay a living wage, then basic capitalism says that it is a BADLY run company. And, it will be replaced by a BETTER run company that can make enough money to BOTH turn a profit AND pay decent wages.

Why are you such a pervert that you would steal from the poor workers just to inflate a company's profits ? That's hugely immoral and stupid.
2021-03-07 5:26 am
from you                             
2021-03-07 4:44 am
The minimum wage should be around 20 bucks to account for inflation 
2021-03-07 6:09 am
In Ontario Canada the minimum wage is $14.25 an hour. In Alberta the minimum wage is $15 an hour. How can Canada do it and the USA can't?
2021-03-07 5:10 am
Small businesses already have a hard time competing with giants like Amazon. A big minimum wage increase will be the nail in their coffin. I don't want Amazon to be the last company standing. We should support mom and pop stores. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:37:15
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