Does anyone think it's stupid that Sony is shutting down all its online services because of the Coronavirus?

2021-03-06 5:24 am
I am on a Community Club for that game snow Runner and someone mentioned that

I am not a f****** troll dumbass

回答 (4)

2021-03-06 11:17 am
The only thing I've seen in the past few days is that the PlayStation Network is having some issues. But it often has issues.

Probably due to high demand - with lots of people being at home during the pandemic and trying to use the network all at the same time. But that doesn't mean Sony is cutting services. 

And Sony is dropping movie and TV shows from the PS store because people are using subscription streaming services instead.

BioWare and publisher Electronic Arts are giving up on Anthem.
2021-03-06 6:16 am
Do you have evidence?, this might shock you, but i'm not the gullible type...p...other than someone somewhere possibly mentioning it....p
2021-03-06 6:20 am
Don't know what you're smoking, but All of Sony's Services are working and you are probably a troll.
2021-03-06 5:33 am
We should shut everything down. The Hoofed One is calling us to return to the wild!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:32:57
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